A New Impetus for the Energy Sector: The Philippine National Oil Company signs an MOU with UA&P and CRC

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed last August 20, 2024, between the Philippine National Oil Company (PNOC), the University of Asia and the Pacific Foundation, Inc. (UA&PFI), and the Center for Research and Communication Foundation, Inc. (CRCFI). The MOU aims to formalize and strengthen the close collaboration between PNOC and UA&P/CRC in the areas […]
Unitas in Action: UA&P awards Dragon Race participants

The Dragon Race awarding ceremony was held last May 6, 2024 at the Li Sieng Gap (LSG) Auditorium, a milestone in UA&P history, being the first-ever university-wide fundraising campaign involving students, faculty, staff, alumni, parents, service providers, and sponsors. A highlight of the event is the ceremonial turnover of checks representing the donations to the […]