A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed last August 20, 2024, between the Philippine National Oil Company (PNOC), the University of Asia and the Pacific Foundation, Inc. (UA&PFI), and the Center for Research and Communication Foundation, Inc. (CRCFI). The MOU aims to formalize and strengthen the close collaboration between PNOC and UA&P/CRC in the areas of manpower training and research that would further promote investments in the fields of renewable energy and social enterprises.
The PNOC is a government-owned and controlled corporation which seeks to develop and implement projects in a financially prudent and responsible manner aimed at increasing the country’s self-sufficiency level in oil, gas, and other energy sources; foster sustainable and environment-friendly sources of energy and promote energy efficiency and conservation; and maintain the highest standards of service and corporate governance.
Both UA&P and CRC have been actively engaging with the private and public sectors, offering executive and continuing education courses to managers and professionals in various fields and undertaking world-class research on policy issues that are invested with public interest and common good. It is the desire of both institutions to further intensify partnerships and collaborations with various stakeholders to contribute to the improvement of the lives of many Filipinos, especially the underprivileged. This partnership with PNOC is expected to help expedite the implementation of energy projects that are critical to our country’s economic development, especially in underdeveloped areas.

Mutual Benefits
In his message, Mr. Oliver Butalid, PNOC President, outlined three benefits of the MOU.
First, the MOU can give rise to research on the impact of specific energy policy and programs on economic development. UA&P is known for its academic rigor and expertise in various fields, including economics, business, and public policy. Collaborating with the university can provide PNOC with access to academic resources, expert opinions, and cutting-edge research that can refine their strategies.
Second, the MOU can lead to talent development, creating opportunities for internships, training programs, and workshops for students. It can also help PNOC’s employees upgrade their knowledge in economics and business.
Third, the MOU can lead to networking opportunities with other stakeholders in the energy sector, including government agencies, NGOs, and other academic institutions. This can lead to new partnerships, funding opportunities, and collaborative projects both for PNOC & UA&P/CRC.

Parting Words
Mr. Butalid ended his message on a hopeful note: “There is a lot of work to be done to strengthen our energy sector. Energy is after all not just one industry among many. It is what drives the entire economy as it underpins all the sources of growth, creates jobs, and improves the quality of life for citizens.”