Louie Cacho

I’m Louie Cacho, a UA&P Stellar Scholar.

Athletic Scholarship Grantee | UA&P Alumnus | MA Integrated Marketing Communications Batch 2020

Chief Data Officer: 17B Marketing Consultancy
Head of Business Development: ONIC Esports Philippines

As a member of the university’s first batch of athletic scholars, I think I had a somewhat unique experience. Upon reading the scholarship contract, the grading requirements to maintain my athletic scholarship immediately stood out. With the futsal varsity’s demanding training schedule and the first batch of daunting IMC majors just around the corner, I was doubting my ability to keep the scholarship past the first semester. Despite these concerns, I was determined to perform well as an athlete and a student. I wanted to convince UA&P that sports scholarships were a good investment as this would make the university’s top-quality education more accessible to deserving athletes.

Although striking a balance between sports and studies was no easy task, I ended up learning valuable life lessons revolving around work efficiency and time management. These skills have directly translated into my working life as I currently co-manage two startups and must ensure that the quality of my output does not drop for either job. I will always be grateful to UA&P for giving me the chance to develop dramatically as a person through the difficult yet welcome challenges the scholarship program presented.