Dannah Mantilla

I’m Dannah Mantilla, a UA&P Stellar Scholar.

Merit Scholar | 3rd Year Student | BS Business Administration Majoring in Management

Externals Officer-in-Charge, UA&P PEER

At first, I thought that being a merit scholar was a privilege with a tough responsibility to fulfill. When I entered UA&P, everything was new and everyone was a stranger. I was one of those wandering freshies around the campus looking for new friends while trying to adapt to new surroundings. Fortunately, I had my PEERS—the Junior Counselors of UA&P—who welcomed me with warmth and guided me to a joyous journey. I’ve met a few Stellar Scholars in PEER and SABIO—the home organization of scholars—who inspired me to give my best and achieve my goals in college. I am truly grateful for UA&P and for the opportunity to blaze my trail. If I’m able to do it, you can surely do it too.